Including articles: Juan Abellán Pérez, Ordenanzas jerezanas sobre la guarda de la frontera frente a Ronda y su serrania a comienzos de la guerra de Granada (1482–1484); Lale Behzadi, Categories of Proper Language in Classical Arabic Literature; Marek M. Dziekan, Algerische Literatur im achtzehnten Jahrhundert; Manuel Espinar Moreno, Economia de los Centros de Culto del Reino de Granada: Los bienes habices de la mezquita y rábitas del Padúl (Valle de Lecrín, Granada); Klaus Karttunen, Studies in the Grhya Prayogas of the Jaiminiya Samaveda: 5. Pratisarabandha; Taneli Kukkonen, The Good, The Beautiful, and the True Aesthetical Issues in Islamic Philosophy; Stephan Hillyer Levitt, New Considerations Regarding the Identity of Vedic sóma as the Mushroom Fly-Agaric; Virgilio Martínez Enamorado, Falcons and Falconary in Al-Andalus; Francisco Moscoso Garcia, Un pionero en los estudios de árabe marroqui: el P. Fr. Patricio José de la Torre. Refranes y adagios; Inka Nokso-Koivisto, Summarized Beauty: The microcosm-macrocosm analogy and Islamic aesthetics; Carmelo Pérez Beltrán, Mujeres en cursos de alfabetizacion en el norte de Marruecos: Un estudio de caso en el circulo rural de Asila; Taru Salmenkari, Access and Repression in Korea; Haseeb Shehadeh, Arabic Loanwords in Hebrew; Lauri Tainio, Kosovo Turks: From privileged status to fear of assimilation; Riikka Tuori, "More Didactic Than Lyrical": Modern views on Karaite Hebrew poetry; Mikko Viitamäki, New Wine From Medina: Aesthetics of popular qawwali lyrics; Shu-Hui Wu, The Great Migration: Inception of the Zhou identity; Juha Janhunen, Review Article: Ancient Art and Archaeology from Central Asia.