If you always wanted to play a Bard but hate that they've been weak for so long, this book is for you. Compatible with all OSR systems, the world of Meatlandia is bloody and horrific and just a little silly. It resembles Stuart Gordon's Reanimator more than H.P. Lovecraft's. Materials include: 1 New City: Meatlandia, which is ruled by the Meat Lord and his juicy meat magic. 5 New Classes: Meet the disgusting Carnomancer, the fourth wall breaking Chaos DJ, the charming Raconteur, the spider-headed Kaldane, and the reality altering Nexus Bard. 42 New Spells: Carnomancers use buckets of blood and metric shittons of meat and as they grow in power they risk transformation into hideous worms themselves. Various rules, nutritional supplements, new monsters, catacombs, maps, and five game seeds to get you started playing right away. The mechanics in this book are unbalanced, ridiculous and overpowered. Enjoy.