A stand alone book including all of the basic entry level skills as well as advanced skills is a valuable asset to all who participate in health care delivery today. Health care delivery has undergone many changes particularly in the classification of the those providing care. This includes patient care technicians, nursing assistants, medical assistants and many others involved in healthcare delivery in hospitals, ambulatory care centers, offices, nursing homes clinics and schoolsmore. All of these individuals require training and evaluation of skills. More than 225 competencies are presented in this book and are clustered into chapters which include procedures specific to the chapter title. For example the Vital Sign Chapter contains individual procedures for measuring oral, rectal, axillary, and aural temperatures using a variety of appropriate instruments. The book adheres to required skills designated by the AAMA/CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for Medical Assisting Educational Programs and the American Medical Technology (AMT) national curricula. This book can be utilized for a quick review book for a skill not performed routinely, a training manual for new employees, a lab manual for students to check one another’s competency performance, an instructor’s skill evaluation text, and a procedure manual for offices, clinics and ambulatory care centers.