This title shows how best to help your child through your divorce. "Making Divorce Easier on Your Child" is filled with practical, sensitive, and highly effective ways to help children cope and adjust both during and after this major change in their lives. Most important, this information will enable you, as a parent, to minimize the negative effects of divorce on your children. Written by the highly respected psychologists and bestselling authors of "Parenting the Strong-Willed Child", this invaluable book draws on the latest research findings and opinions of leading experts in the field, as well as the authors' own clinical experiences and research, to guide you from the first step of planning for divorce to telling your children of your decision to handling visitation and financial issues to moving toward the future - and looking after your own well-being in the process.Here you will find a range of easy-to-follow techniques and priceless wisdom including: fifty proven strategies for helping your children become well-adjusted despite your divorce; the most up-to-date scientific findings made available and accessible to parents; advice on how to accept your children's love for their other parent, as well as dealing with a noncustodial parent who becomes uninvolved; how to handle new family combinations; and, how to know when to seek professional help for your children.
The majority of issues faced by divorcing or divorced parents are difficult but not hopeless. Comprehensive, upbeat, to the point, and easy to digest during a stressful time, "Making Divorce Easier on Your Child" can make the adjustment less painful for all involved.