John Mitchell (Arena, Kino, Frost*, It Bites) is renowned as a highly versatile multi-instrumentalist and singer, and following the much celebrated Kino opus “Radio Voltaire” in 2018, apparently felt inspired to craft his third Lonely Robot album right after. "Under Stars is the final part in the astronaut trilogy”, Mitchell reveals. “The album was recorded over an intensive month and a half period and is an album I'm exceptionally proud of.” Musically, “Under Stars” expands upon its two predecessors and finds an excellent balance between a refreshingly heavy edge (‘Ancient Ascendant’, ‘When Gravity Fails’) and the lush choruses and addictive melodies, which have been Mitchell’s trademark since day one (‘Authorship Of Our Lives’, ‘How Bright Is The Sun?’). “Under Stars” excels the previous Lonely Robot records in terms of production and songwriting quality resulting in an impressive atmosphere and captivating flow where even a pop song like ‘Icarus’ feels just right. “This time I wanted to reference my love of 80s synthwave pop a little more, so beware the 808!”, Mitchell proclaims. “I hope you enjoy this record as much as I enjoyed making it”.