Learn from the best of the best!
Written by highly regarded experts in the field--including Zane L.Berge, Jay A. Conger, Robert Hargrove, James M. Kouzes, JulieO'Mara, Barry Z. Posner, Fran Rees, William J. Rothwell, and EdgarH. Schein--What Smart Trainers Know offers you a comprehensiveguide to the HRD profession's most critical issues. In thirty-fivemini-chapters (each of which can be read in approximately fifteenminutes) the book provides a handy resource for new practitionerswho want to develop a broad working knowledge of the field. Thebook also offers seasoned professionals the opportunity to examinethe latest thinking from a wide range of noted experts.
Emphasizing practical applications of theory, this collectioncovers all the basic needs of HRD practitioners in five keycategories:
* Strategic training and development
* Employee and organizational development
* Assessment and evaluation
* Training and development design
* Training and development methods
"Whether you're new to training or a seasoned pro, looking fortheory or practical application or needing to be revitalized orreconfirmed, What Smart Trainers Know has been written by thebest-of-the-best to deliver what you need."
--Elaine Biech, ebb associates inc., and author, The Business ofConsulting