"It does appear to be the perfect handbook for anyone wishing to start their own business, and they certaintly could not have a better role model to learn from. I only hope that it might encourage other young people with innovative ideas" HRH, The Prince of Wales You've never run a business before. Now, you're thinking of giving it a go. You've no cash reserves and no wealthy relatives - so you're starting from absolute scratch. Welcome to the ordinary hero's club. You can do it - and this is the book to show you how.
Live on stage in front of an audience of entrepreneurs, award winning entrepreneur Liz Jackson takes you through every stage of her real life start up experience, from her decision to leave her safe job with no cash and nothing to fall back on, to the £2million business employing 100 people she runs today. Packed full of practical advice and tips, its as extremely useful as it is inspiring and entertaining.