During the 1980s, the United States was at war in Central America. In this book, Michael Little attempts to place both the U.S. Central American policy and its opposition movement in context, examining the 'hearts and minds' of the U.S. public and Congress. Tactics and organization of the FMLN support networks are examined, including the peculiar role the left wing of Congress played in advancing the goals of a Marxist insurgency at war with the United States. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; The Background to U.S. Policy; The Rise of the FMLN; El Salvador and the Cold War; Private Foreign Policy; Organizations Opposing U.S. Policy; War of Information; Private Intervention; The FMLN: Terrorists or Guerrillas?; Did CISPES Believe in Human Rights?; The Media and Congress; The FBI Investigation; The End of the War; Conclusion; Appendix; Selected Bibliography; Index.