Get the additional practice you need to master class content and pass the NCLEX (R) with the Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition! This easy-to-use guide includes exercises divided by difficulty level, fun activities, and a wealth of multiple-choice and alternate-format questions. Questions in disorders chapters cover the Client Needs categories in the NCLEX-PN (R) test plan which also helps you to transfer your knowledge of medical-surgical concepts directly to patient care in the clinical setting.
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Questions grouped by level of difficulty encourage you to move from easy, knowledge-based questions to more difficult, analytical questions.
Alternate item formats exam include priority order, multiple response, labeling, and calculation questions to help you practice for the NCLEX-PN (R).
Exercises focus on long-term care patients and settings help you to prepare for real-world practice.
NEW! Completely revised exercises and review questions match the most up-to-date nursing diagnoses from the text.