This book fills a gap in the literature by focusing on globalization with regard to the rescaling of educational accountabilities, linked to international and national testing regimes and their impact. In particular, this book examines the impact and effects of this global framework in two illustrative nations: Australia and Canada. The focus on these two nations, which have very different forms of federalism, allows for consideration of the rescaling of politics and policies in the context of globalization and for an analysis of the complex rescaling of educational accountabilities. It is the first book to document and analyse the multi-scalar, relational and differentiated effects in national schooling systems of this rescaling of educational accountability. The authors also consider the ways in which these accountability regimes have rearticulated social justice and equity policies within nations in reductive ways. It offers scholars and policy makers both a methodology and an epistemological framework grounded in critical policy sociology for doing education policy analysis in a time of neo-liberal globalization.