Meg Reilly is a pregnant widow who ducks into a confessional to spill her deepest, darkest secrets. Trouble is, the man on the other side of the booth isn't a priest. Craig Stovall is the owner of a local construction business--he's just there to repair the confessional. But when Meg starts talking, he's too surprised and tongue-tied to stop her until he hears too much. When they meet later, Craig recognizes Meg from the glimpse he caught as she left--but she has no idea he's her "priest." Meg doesn't think she wants another big, strong man in her life. Her relationship with her husband was rocky at best, and she wants what's right for the baby on the way, even if this means being alone. Still, the more time Meg and Craig spend together, the closer they become...and the closer Craig comes to slipping up and revealing that he's the one who heard Meg's confession.