BTEC National Business will provide everything you need to secure the best results for BTEC National. The book is written by an experienced author team that has outstanding experience of delivering and assessing BTECs and is brought to you by the Number 1 in Business Studies. BTEC National Business Book 1 covers all the core units and a selection of the most popular option units, making it ideal for anyone who is taking the Certificate, Subsidiary Award or planning to go on to study for the Diploma or Extended Diploma. This book combines the authors' extensive knowledge of real life case studies, clear explanations of business theory and key terms, and support for vocational learning, to offer an indispensable resource in setting you on the pathway to career success. Key features: Extensive and numerous case studies demonstrate the real life issues faced by businesses Quick fire quizzes ensure concepts have been understood firmly before being applied in assignments Grading Tips and Sample Assignments give students and teachers clear guidance to fully exploit assignments in the most interesting and creative ways, developing business skills and understanding of theory.
Comprehensive teacher support is available through Dynamic Learning Online to support the assignment and vocational learning elements of the course.