The enigmatic figure of Pemulwuy, the Darug leader who dared to rebel against white settlers, haunts the story of the early colonisation of New South Wales - in particular, the remarkable incident known as the Battle of Parramatta. Aboriginal warriors advanced against the settlement of Parramatta, challenging the garrison of redcoats to battle. Pemulwuy was wounded seven times, but he escaped and became more powerful and rebellious than ever. Making use of little-known sources and knowledge of the geography and settlement of the area, this book deals in depth with the battle and the dramatic events leading up to it, covering: the remarkable story of convict settlement in the frontier world of the Northern Boundary, today the Sydney suburbs of Carlingford, Oatlands and North Parramatta; the desperate guerrilla campaign waged by Pemulwuy; the double-murder of settlers and long pursuit through the bush which led up to the battle; the exact date and location of the battle, previously unknown, together with the incidents of the battle and probable numbers of combatants involved and casualties; the outcome, Pemulwuy's strange 'resurrection', and his vengeful follow-up attacks ... This book contains in full the text of all original sources relating to this battle.