In the fourth installment of The Wormworld Saga, Jonas sets off on his most dangerous mission yet. Accompanied by Raya and Master Otomo, the trio make their way to mushroom forest, a mountainside jungle crawling with gigantic fungi, mysterious enemies, and a deep secret about Jonas's destiny. As the companions finally come face-to-face with the Dark Minions, all hope seems lost in securing the world from the fire god's threats and glowing breath. In the midst of chaos and battle, Jonas's ties, history, and fate in the Wormworld suddenly start to piece together.
Meanwhile, Muhadra, the great inventor behind Kingspeak's extravagant wealth, has made the biggest scientific breakthrough yet. By fusing together sun stones, Muhadra has found the most powerful energy source the villagers of Kingspeak have ever seen. But with great technological advancements comes great danger. Will the new discovery transform their city or destroy it?
Visual artist(s): Daniel Lieske