Crisis and risk communication are equally important to the structure of society. Without understanding how to effectively respond to, and potentially avoid, crisis and risk, individuals could find themselves in a state of everlasting collapse.
Casing Crisis and Risk Communication explores specific events that arose and describes how effective communication was responsible for sensemaking. The publication helps the reader develop a deeper understanding of, appreciation for, interest in, and dedication to, crisis and risk communication.
Casing Crisis and Risk Communication, by Corey J. Liberman, Dariela Rodriguez, and Theodore A. Avtgis:
Bridges the theoretical with the practical by using a series of case studies that deal with crisis and communication. Cases include Apple's ""Bendgate"" crisis, the Blue Bell Listeria crisis, the case of Paula Deen, Carnival's response to the Costa Concordia crisis, and much more.
Presents an abundance of theories, models, and data on crisis and risk communication.
Describes effective communication strategies when dealing with crisis or risk. Strategies include providing information to affected, or potentially affected, individuals regarding appropriate actions, providing answers to questions regarding possible risk outcomes, and providing messages in easily-decodable forms.