FACTS of life that are deliberately hidden from us; that's what this book's about! Dangerous realities that, because they have been both politically and subliminally concealed for so long, have burgeoned into a real threat to humanity! Sensationalist waffle? Meanderings of a Prophet of Doom? Well, just consider this; Is it not an accepted actuality that the world's population is DOUBLING every few decades; that our mineral resources are becoming more difficult and costly to obtain; or life-essential water's being drained from rivers, lakes and aquifers to keep crops watered, untold complications from climate-change and disappearing rainforests with multiple side-effects; also, those undernourished multitudes in Distant' lands, the growth of unemployed both obviously and covertly-concealed; increasing Social Unrest'; clandestine incursion/occupation; business and governmental corruption. And then, of course, there are the compound religious convolutions; not merely the self-augmenting Go forth and multiply' culture, but the entire spectrum of religious authenticity are challenged without the usual defensive, traditional, hush-hush. So, just sensationalist's meanderings, or is this a long-overdue, realistic view that puts some deliberately-concealed crises into perspective....before it's too late to address them?"