The Exploring Science Activity Pack:
Makes it easy to teach wide ability classes
With Four levels of differentiation: Access, Must, Should and Could, covering pupils working towards L4 right up to Exceptional Performance
With access sheets that enable pupils with lower literacy levels to access the material in the Pupils' Books
Provides both ready-to-use and customisable materials
With two versions of all the worksheets in a hardcopy file that you can photocopy and both in printable PDF and editable Word format on CD-ROM, allowing you to adapt and personalise the materials as appropriate
With access to your PDFs and personalised Word files also available directly from ActiveTeach
Helps teachers track skills development
With 'I can' criteria at the bottom of every worksheet, making skills learned explicit to pupils with 'Personal Learning' and 'Thinking Skills' included
With additional 'Skills Sheets' with a specific focus on key skills, including new elements from the Programme of Study (for example, team working, debating)