Intelligent Tutoring Systems - 7th International Conference, ITS 2004, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, August 30 - September 3, 2004, P
Welcome to the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems! In keeping with the rich tradition of the ITS conferences, ITS 2004 brought together an exciting mix of researchers from all areas of - telligent tutoring systems. A leading international forum for the dissemination of original results in the design, implementation, and evaluation of ITSs, the conference drew researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines ranging from arti?cial intelligence and cognitive science to pedagogy and educational psych- ogy. Beginning with the ?rst ITS conference in 1988, the gathering has developed a reputation as an outstanding venue for AI-based learning environments. F- lowing on the great success of the ?rst meeting, subsequent conferences have been held in 1992, 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2002. The conference has consistently created a vibrant convocation of scientists, developers, and practitioners from all areas of the ?eld. Re?ecting the growing international involvement in the ?eld, ITS 2004 was hosted in Brazil. The previous conferences were convened in Canada, the USA, and Europe. We are grateful to the Brazilian ITS community for organizing the ?rst ITS conference in Latin America-in Macei' o, Alagoas.
With its coconut palm-lined beaches and warm, crystal-clear waters, Macei' o, the capital city of thestateofAlagoas,is?ttinglyknownas"TheWaterParadise."Theconference was held at the Ritz Lagoa da Anta Hotel, which is by Lagoa da Anta Beach and close to many of the city's beautiful sights.