Establishing reliable and sustainable public transport services is a top development priority for cities that face ever-growing urbanization trends and pressures to meet zero-carbon goals. Creating new transport corridors is always a challenge, so existing roads end up providing attractive routes for public transit. When this involves using rails, it becomes even more of an engineering feat.
Embedded Rail Tracks is a comprehensive resource on this high-performing type of trackway system, which provides minimal disruption to wheeled vehicles sharing the same public roads. The volume opens by briefly reviewing the history of embedded tracks, especially tramways and light railways, to then analyze the design, installation, and operation of existing embedded track systems. Accounts of reasons for failure and evidence-based maintenance and repair methods are also included. The book surveys the latest innovations, presents case studies, and includes considerations related to the environment, energy use, and safety that lead to insightful conclusions for future investments in more robust and less costly transport infrastructure.
- Combines academic knowledge and industry-relevant, practical outcomes to benefit a variety of audiences
- Features case studies from across the globe
- Reviews a range of proven design proposals