Market research provides business professionals with the knowledge needed tosell products and services effectively. One of the best and easiest means forobtaining timely information on the latest business and industry trends,competitors, demographics, and product information is through onlinesources. Online Market Research provides you with a thorough grounding incontemporary market research and online searching. You'll learn what kind ofdata is available online; how to determine what your needs are, developresearch strategies, and formulate a market plan; and how to acquire andsharpen online searching skills. Most importantly, you'll learn how to conduct efficient and economicalresearch about market information using the vast spectrum of online databasesand archives available today. What's the most cost-effective way to search themajor professional databases--such as DIALOG(tm), Dow Jones News/RetrievalA (R),and LexisA (R)-NexisA (R). When is it best to use the less robust but lessexpensive databases available on CompuServeA (R), America OnlineA (R),ProdigyA (R), and MicrosoftA (R) Network?When can you use free resources on theInternet and what's the quickest way to search for them?
These issues and manyothers are explored in full detail. Using real-world techniques, Online Market Research will teachyou: *where to find data you need online *how to use search tools for accessing this data *the fastest ways to find specific information *the most cost-effective search methods *the legal, ethical, and copyright issues involved *how to assess data accuracy and compensate for poor quality *a methodology for keeping up with the ever-changing online world. 0201489295B04062001