This comprehensive guidebook provides a detailed description of every official National Park Service trail along the Blue Ridge Parkway. But that's just the beginning: veteran hiker Leonard M. Adkins includes information on every trail that touches the parkway, including the Appalachian Trail and other public pathways on national park, state park, national forest, municipal, and private lands, along with citations for the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. Far more than a guide to the trails, this book will help you plan your whole trip. It's the perfect companion for your next parkway adventure.
every public trail along the parkway
GPS coordinates and 72 maps
255 total trails, including 12 new trails since the last edition
trail length and difficulty
points of interest
wheelchair accessibility
a short history of the parkway and region
campgrounds and lodges
public restroom locations
elevation change charts for cyclists
tunnel heights for RVs
wildflower bloom calendar
selected sightseeing information on nearby towns
Foreword by: J. Richard Wells