The Human-Computer Interaction & Usability Engineering Workgroup (Ar- .. beitskreis HCI&UE) of the Austrian Computer Society (Osterreichische C- puter Gesellschaft, OCG) has been serving as an international platform for interdisciplinaryexchange,researchanddevelopmentsinceFebruary2005. While human-computer interaction (HCI) traditionally brings psychologists and c- puter scientists together, the inclusion of usability engineering (UE), a software engineering discipline ensuring the appropriate implementation of applications, has become indispensable. Because of the fast developments in information and communication technologies (ICT), the ?elds of application of HCI and UE are broader than ever. Therefore, USAB 2010 had, in comparison to past USAB conferences, quite a broad focus on all potential aspects of HCI in work - vironments, learning, private life and leisure activities. Each of these areas of application includes various challenges for HCI and UE, which go far beyond the classical desktop interface as well as usability norms and de?nitions pos- lated in the late twentieth century.
The contributions for USAB 2010 provide important insights on the actual researchactivities in the ?eld and support the interested audience by presenting the state of the art in HCI researchas well as giving valuable input on questions arising when planning or designing research projects. Because of the increasing propagation of the ?eld of HCI research, it is not possible to address all areas within a smallconference;however,this is not the goalofUSAB 2010-itshould be seen as a metaphorical counterpart of a wholesale, an HCI delicatessen shop providinga tasting menuwith di?erent courses(hopefully) cateringto alltastes.