Taking first the profound transformations underway in the global political economy, this pathbreaking new text redefines how we understand trade, finance, money and labour. In this new problem-based approach, the core concerns of the global economy are joined by key topics, spanning energy to development, inequalities to illicit economies, reflecting the fluid and dynamic nature of contemporary GPE scholarship.
The book addresses four major transformations shaping the global political economy today: the questioning of the liberal international order, the rise of the Anthropocene, the technological advancements of the fourth industrial revolution, and the increasing significance of identity politics. These transformations are explored through a comprehensive framework that integrates diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, ensuring a nuanced understanding of real-world problems. Each chapter tackles key problems and global issues, from global energy dependency and rising inequality to the commodification of personal data and platform economies.
The book also emphasises the need for a truly global perspective, integrating lenses, concepts, voices, and ideas from scholarship all round the world. This inclusive approach broadens understanding and reflects the complexity and diversity of the global landscape. By adopting the stance of "hybrid GPE scholars," the authors bridge the gap between different geographical and intellectual traditions, offering a rich and varied examination of contemporary GPE.
Global Political Economy is an essential resource, providing a fresh and relevant perspective on the field. It fosters critical discussions and debates, encouraging readers to rethink entrenched beliefs and engage with the ever-evolving landscape of global political economy.