Mentoring in academic libraries implies a belief in the future of library employees, systems, the profession, and the principles that libraries uphold. It signifies a commitment to the broader institution and to higher education's values of exploration, discovery, critical examination, and knowledge generation.
Academic Library Mentoring: Fostering Growth and Renewal presents a cross-section of mentoring thought and practice in college and university libraries, including mentoring definitions, practice fundamentals, models, programme development, surveys, and analysis. Across three volumes, it explores library mentoring programmes and the lived experiences of library faculty, librarians, library staff members, graduate library and information science students, and library student employees.
In Volume 3, Mentoring of Students and Staff, we hear the voices of library science students and library student employees as they describe their library school and library employment mentoring experiences. Also presented are mentoring programmes for recruiting individuals to the profession, practices supporting all library employees regardless of formal employee classification, and methods for enhancing the skills of consortial members. The volume ends with a look to the future of mentoring and organisational development and with a tool any library employee at any career stage can use in forming their own mentoring constellation.