This report effectively explains the practical impact of law, especially case law, from the European Court of Justice and distinguishes how this law works compared with the common law and UK legislation. It is designed to allow for those who want a comprehensive overview but also for those who wish to 'dip-in' to a specific topic. This report is designed to be accessible and is targeted at employers, HR managers, legal advisors, students of employment law, and those that need to have a practical understanding about the origins, nature and detail of employment law that originates from the EU. Did you know, this report has CPD hours accredited to it! Thorogood legal reports are accredited by The Solicitors Regulation Authority (CPD reference DVQ/THPU) for continuing professional development as distance learning education. Don't miss out on this chance to collect your hours! NB: Solicitors may claim up to 75 per cent (12 hours) of their annual CPD requirement by undertaking distance learning education.