Legal Opinions Concerning the Church of England is a comprehensive guide to the advice of the Legal Advisory Commission of the General Synod on a wide range of issues: pastoral, liturgical, practical, financial and administrative matters covering the essentials of parish, diocesan and national church life and frequently occurring questions.
The Commission gives legal advice to the General Synod, the Church Commissioners, diocesan registrars, chancellors, and other clerical and lay officers such as archdeacons and diocesan secretaries, and this volume is an indispensable reference work for them and for all practitioners and students of ecclesiastical law.
This new paperback volume combines the full text of the eighth edition with the addition of numerous Recent Opinions on varied matters including:
• The maintenance of monuments in closed churchyards;
• Chancel repair liability;
• Seeking consent for the sale of PCC property;
• Wedding receptions held on church premises;
• Administration of Holy Communion regulations;
• Liability of DACs and the church buildings council;
• Legal position of PCC members;
• Liability for personal injury accidents in churchyards;
• Parishes with no churchwardens or PCCs;
• The use of non-alcoholic wine and gluten free bread;
• Public rights of way over land forming part of a churchyard;
• Using churches for secular purposes;
• Baptism: consent and parental responsibility;
• Funerals in undertakers’ private chapels;
• Parish music: organists and choirmasters and church musicians;
• Friends’ charities.