Facing the challenges of climate change and food security - the role of research, extension and communication for development
The study report is based on case studies from Bangladesh (Sulaiman, 2010), Bolivia (Pafumi and Ulloa, 2010), DR Congo (Mbaye, 2010) and Ghana (Adjei-Nsiah and Dormon, 2010) which were carried out with the purpose of assessing needs and gaps with regard to the provision of innovation support services for climate change adaptation. It took the form of desk-studies complemented with key informant interviews. Research results showed that climate change adds urgency to the need for adaptation in its widest sense in the natural resources sphere (agriculture, forestry, natural resources management, livestock and fisheries). The main message from the study is that not only is technical change for farm-level adaptation and mitigation needed, but also a change of policy and institutional regimes that govern agricultural production, value chains and natural resource management.