Receiving God's Deeper Messages: The Pilgrimage of a Truth-Seeking Christian
With autobiographical candor and freshness, "Receiving God's Deeper Messages" touches the heart and soul of Christianity. It touches the inclusive wide-hearted qualities of Christianity which it shares with other enduring religions. Filled with heart-warming personal anecdotes and wisdom tales, this collection of journals is a seminal portrait of the stages of inner mellowing, of the intrinsic worth and beauty of leading a God-shaped life. It also reveals how the practice of inner quiet, meditation, simplicity, acceptance, healthy wishlessness and compassion enhances our receptiveness to God's deeper messages. Rekindling our inborn spiritual awareness, our sense of reverence for the Deep, this collection of writings is a source of inspiration and illumination in its own right. It will be treasured by contemporary truth-seekers for years to come.