Burgundy is more than a place on the map of France. It is also a place which inspires and provokes the senses, both physical and spiritual...wine, food, light, history, memories, churches, people and much more. From its Gaulish past through the Roman period, from the period of the monastic orders through to the ascendancy of the Dukes of Burgundy and into the modern period, Burgundy has been a mecca for culture, the arts and for countless travellers from many places. The inspiration for writing comes in many forms and writing refracts experience in many ways. "Bonjour Burgundy" is a chronicle of how one place has inspired a variety of writing. Each year, for the past four years, writers from Canada, mainly from the Windsor area and including creative writing students from the University of Windsor, have assembled at a remote, hillside farm in the heart of rural Burgundy, in the Auxois region, at La Roche d'Hys. They walk, they write, they talk, they read, they eat, they drink, they tour...and then, magically, the writing appears! Some of the writers are new and emerg-ing, others, established and known, a few are renowned and widely acclaimed.
In "Bonjour Burgundy", you will enjoy a new and yet very old 'take' on Burgundy -- the sites, the sounds, the colours, the people, the creatures, the history...