Mobile Communications - 7th CDMA International Conference, CIC 2002, Seoul, Korea, October 29 - November 1, 2002, Revised Papers
The Internet has been bringing about changes in many respects, from culture to techn- ogy; mobile cellular communication systems are no exception. "All-IP" is the term that has been used in this big revolution in wireless communication systems. All-IP requires the solution of many real and research problems relating to handset terminals, access networks, and wireless backbone systems. How will the handset terminals evolve? How will the various wireless access n- works such as Ad-Hoc, WLL, and WLAN affect the existing mobile cellular systems, especially those based on CDMA technology. How will the backbone network arc- tecture change? To re?ect on these questions, the 7th CIC had as its theme "CDMA Convergence Toward Next Generation Wireless. " Fortunately, many researchers, op- ators, and manufactures have contributed answers to these questions. FortheTechnicalProgramCommittee,itwasnoteasytoselectpapersfortheLecture NotesinComputerSciencefromamongthe140goodpapersacceptedfortheconference.
OnbehalfoftheTPC,wewouldliketoexpressoursincereappreciationandthankstothe authorsfortheircontributionstopreparingandrevisingthepapers,andwealsothankthe TPCmembersandthereviewerswhohelpedputtogetheranexcellenttechnicalprogram for the conference. October 2002 Jaiyong Lee Chul-Hee Kang InternationalAdvisoryCommittee Chair Gil Rok Oh (ETRI, Korea) Co-chairs Hang Gu Bahk (Hyundai Syscomm, Korea) Kye Suk Jun (Kyunghee Univ. , Korea) Members Sang-Chul Lee (KT, Korea) Sung-Kyu Lee (Pantech, Korea) Moonsoo Pyo (SK Telecom, Korea) Hyuckjae Lee (ICU, Korea) Yong-Kyung Lee (KTF, Korea) Chu-HwanYim (TTA, Korea) John Koo (LG Electronics, Korea) Hong Shik Jung (Telson, Korea) Jong-YongYun (Samsung, Korea) Mike Murphy (Nortel Networks, USA) Yong Nam (LG Telecom, Korea) Laary Paulson (Nokia, Finland) Young-Chu Cho (KTICOM, Korea) Irwin Jacobs (Qualcomm, USA) In-Sik Oh (Motorola, Korea) Janos Fugedi (Ericsson, Sweden) John C.