Assessment has long been recognized as a key feature in
learning efficacy, especially through formative evaluation.
Item banking, the storage and classification of test items,
is an essential part of systematic assessment.
This volume is based on a NATO Advanced Research Workshop
held as part of the Special Programme on Advanced
Educational Technology. The workshop brought together
scholars from around the world to discuss and critically
analyze the issues and problems associated with Subjective
Probability Measurement (SPM) or the more generic research
area called self-assessment. Recent advances in computer
technology (expert systems, interactive video disks, and
hypermedia) along with the developing sophistication of
self-assessment scoring systems based on SPM made this
conference particularly important and timely.
The book is divided into three main parts:
- The input: item banking and hypermedia
- The process: subjective probabilities
- The output: teaching and learning feedbacks.
In summary, although SPM is a difficult theoretical concept
for most educators to comprehend, the sophisticated nature
of modern computer systems coupled with comprehensive
formative and summative evaluation and self-assessment
systems make SPM transparent to the user.