Thinking About Stories is a fun and thought-provoking introduction to philosophical questions about narrative fiction in its many forms, from highbrow literature to pulp fiction to the latest shows on Netflix.
Written by philosophers Samuel Lebens and Tatjana von Solodkoff, it engages with fundamental questions about fiction, such as: What is it? What does it give us? Does a story need a narrator? And why do sad stories make us cry if we know they aren’t real? The format of the book emulates a lively, verbal exchange: each chapter has only one author while the other appears spontaneously in dialogues in the text along the way, raising questions and voicing criticisms, and inviting responses from their co-author. This unique format allows readers to feel like they are a part of the conversation about the philosophical foundations of some of the fictions in their own lives.
Key Features
Draws on a wide range of types of narrative fiction, from Harry Potter to Breakfast of Champions to Parks and Recreation
Explores how fiction, despite its detachment from truth, is often best able to teach us important things about the world in which we live
Concludes by asking in the final chapter whether we all might be fictions
Includes bibliographies and suggested reading lists in each chapter