A scholar's guide for to conducting ethical research with various communities
Though the arena of scholarship grows and changes, collaboration and community remain vital aspects of research and public scholarship. Popularizing Scholarly Research: Working with Nonacademic Stakeholders, Teams, and Communities contextualizes research methods and practices for popularizing research involving teams, communities, and nonacademic stakeholders. Patricia Leavy introduces the move toward making scholarship more accessible outside of academic settings. Drawing from the authoritative Oxford Handbook of Methods for Public Scholarship a diversified list of interdisciplinary contributors cover social movements, ethical issues working with vulnerable populations, outsider-insider issues, citizens' juries, community-based research, participatory action research, community art-making, theatre, cross-cultural research, decolonizing methods, team research and disaster research. Further supplemental materials included at the end of the book make this title an important addition to any modern researcher's bookshelf.