It takes a Herculean effort to get my child to: a) brush his or her teeth b) go to sleep c) take a bath d) eat his or her vegetables. If any (or all) of these apply, continue reading. From the treasure chest of Munro Leaf comes another classic in which the beloved author and illustrator uses his time-proven method of talking to children straight--simply getting them to see it how it is. In Brushing Your Teeth Can Be Fun (originally published in 1943 as Health Can Be Fun), Leaf leaves his audience in no doubt that not only can health be fun, but good sense, as well. This book will help boys and girls understand why they should drink their milk, eat their vegetables, get exercise, go to bed on time, brush their teeth, keep clean, and a dozen other things both big and small that are important to building strong, healthy, and happy bodies.With his trademark stick figure drawings and witty text, Leaf will once again elicit peals of mirthful laughter from his little readers, not to mention some big ones who will find this humorous hygiene handbook an indispensable aid in the all-too-familiar night-time (come to think of it, all the time) war with their children about the merits of keeping good health.