This book provides a selection of interesting problems for review by the hospital doctor or GP.Many patient presentations will challenge the doctor as the case history unfolds. In a diverse field such as respiratory medicine there will be a wide range of diagnoses and management options to be considered. This book provides up-to-date solutions, based on the latest evidence, which will assist the doctor to formulate his or her treatment strategy.A series of questions lead the reader logically through a case presentation, work-up, diagnosis and discussion of recent literature. Each case is concisely presented, including an algorithm where appropriate to show overall management strategies.This is a user-friendly resource for quick review and assessment of individual cases, covering the most common yet challenging cases seen by respiratory doctors. It will be extremely useful as a reference and training resource in the hospital, clinic or GP's surgery.It contains over 40 clinical presentations covering the most common yet challenging cases seen by respiratory clinicians. The focus is not just general respiratory disease, but also allergic disorders.
It is an excellent training resource and provides up-to-date referencing to present recent developments in diagnosis and management.