Whether you dream of owning a corner shop or starting the next High Street chain, there are few more exciting prospects than starting your own business. The number of people choosing to shape their own destiny is growing and is open to people of all ages. Entrepreneurs over the age of 45 increased by 26 per cent last year and the average age of those who start their own business is 39. If you get it right the rewards can be great - not only in financial terms but in the sense of achievement. This book will guide you through the whole start up process and steer you on towards success. Defining your business strategy Researching the market and setting the right price Writing a business plan and raising finance Recruiting and managing staff Forecasting, budgeting and accounting Buying an existing business or franchise
Contents: 1. Thinking through your idea; 2. Complying with legislation; 3. Setting objectives; 4. Defining your business strategy; 5. Obtaining the right support; 6. Researching the market; 7. Identifying your products; 8. Setting the right price; 9. Employing new staff; 10.Being in the right place; 11.Promoting your business; 12.Using professional help; 13.Compiling financial forecasts; 14.Looking at grants and subsidies; 15.Writing your business plan; 16.Raising finance; 17.Keeping your accounts; 18.Looking at franchising options; 19.Buying an existing business; 20.Maintaining quality standards; 21.Exporting for the first time; 22.Dealing with problems; 23.Staying ahead of the competition; 24.Using technology in your business Useful contacts Glossary Index