Over 90% of social work faculty currently working in the U.S. came of age without the effortless digital savvy of today's youth. This clear, accessible text bridges the technology gap in social work education by explicitly integrating technology into key social work competencies and practice standards. It examines what constitutes ethical and professional behavior in a world where interaction with technology is a daily reality. Encompassing the recommendations of the 2015 CSWE educational policy and accreditation standards, the text addresses the needs of both digital "natives" (students who are digitally savvy but new to social work competencies) and digital "immigrants" (older social work professionals who are new to more advanced technology).
Through the lens of technology, the resource explores values and ethics, diversity, human rights and social justice, advocacy, research, assessment, intervention, and evaluation. It addresses ethical standards for behavior around technology in social work practice, examines access to technology as a social justice issue, and presents digital tools for use in social work assessment, intervention, and evaluation. The book also looks towards the future of technology in social work practice, outlining opportunities for collaboration and the further integration of technology into social work education. Abundant case examples, self-assessment exercises, and instructor resources reinforce information and foster critical thinking.
Key Features:
Aligns with CSWE competencies and NASW practice standards
Based on revised 2015 CSWE educational policy and accreditation standards (EPAS)
Includes abundant case examples, self-assessment exercises, and a student plan for resource development
Connects critical thinking to technology integration practices and uses
Integrates technology and social work competencies for both digital ""immigrants"" and digital ""natives""