Whole Church - Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement
A new model for creating greater involvement and cohesion in churches Mel Lawrenz has been using an engaged, "whole church/whole-ministry" value system, strategy, and commitment in his missional church. He provides a new model to help churches maximize their strengths and revitalize their ministries through engaging with God, each other, their community, and the world. This "engagement" model is not merely a list of functions or stages of growth--it integrates the church, connecting worship and mission, local witness and global involvement, small groups and personal devotion. Mel Lawrenz (Brookfield, WI) is senior pastor at the large Elmbrook Church, recently named one of the most influential and innovative churches in the U.S. His new Internet ministry, The Brook, offers text, audio, and video content to both church leaders and a general audience.