This Multi Pack consists of Management and Organisational Behaviour, 7th Edition, by Laurie Mullins (ISBN: 0273688766) and Contemporary Human Resource Management by Tom Redman, Adrian Wilkinson (ISBN: 020159613X)
Management and Organisational Behaviour takes a managerial approach, demonstrating the application of behavioural science within the workplace, this text emphasises the role of management as a core integrating activity.
This long established market leader has set standards that few texts have met in terms of accessibility of writing style and clarity of presentation, by making unfamiliar theory relevant, easily understood and logically applied to the world of work.
Contemporary Human Resource Management provides a thought provoking, critical, yet accessible introduction to Human Resource Management. The book is divided into two parts; the first part, Fundamentals of HRM, provides an analysis of the core elements of HR practice, whilst the second part, Contemporary Themes and Issues addresses key areas of rising importance in HRM practice.
Each chapter provides a critical review of the topic bringing together theoretical and empirical material in a clear and engaging manner, and is accompanied by a combination of case studies, role-plays and exercises for students. The emphasis is on analysis and insight, but at the same time the authors look at the implications of HRM research and theory development for practice.