Many people, today, believe that Darwin successfully explained the origins of Life on Earth. More controversially, some, like Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, maintain that Darwin showed not merely that Life and Mind on Earth were not instantly created, a mere few thousand years ago, they weren't 'created' at all. They were simply lucky coincidences of chemistry and any arguments for intelligent causation in Nature are merely wishful thinking. There are just random events ...for ever and ever. A lot of people are troubled by this. It can make our own Lives and the beautiful Living World seem completely pointless. But should they be? Or is it just a modern myth that mere chance can explain everything? Some scientists maintain, for example, that there are now rock-solid techniques to show that 'accidental' Life is not merely improbable, it's demonstrably impossible. Are they deluded or do they have a point? Others cite over 150 years of psychic research demonstrating evidence for the super Natural, including Life after death.
What many also don't realize is that Darwin himself had some serious doubts about the ability of his purely materialistic theory to give a full account of Life on Earth. This fascinating, wide-ranging and heartfelt book explores the modern case for there being more to our Lives and Minds than mere 'accidents of chemistry' and why Darwin was right to have those doubts.