If you believe Life on Earth is just a lucky cosmic fluke, and that modern science has proved this beyond reasonable doubt, don't bother with this book, it will only annoy you. On the other hand, if you're skeptical that mere luck can explain the existence of Life and Mind on this planet, this is for you. The author explains in an engaging, lively style why Darwin's theory of a purely chance-based evolution is no longer credible. At the same time, by 19th century convention, scientists continue to be trained to assume that there are only blind and unintelligent causes at work in Nature - even if this may not be true. The trouble is, this dogmatic reliance on pure, blind chance to explain everything is now distorting science and limiting our ability to understand ourselves and the world around us. Enjoy this powerful argument for the classical view that there's more to Life and Mind on Earth than mere blind luck and that modern scientists are perfectly capable of detecting this and demonstrating it. The implications are massive. From seeing ourselves as mere cosmic accidents, because `Science and Darwin say so,' we rediscover that we are, after all, meaningful beings in a meaningful world. Grab it, read it. It may change your view of reality forever.