This Online Course Pack consists of Child Development: International Edition, 7/e by Berk (ISBN: 9780205457731); Cognition: International Edition, 4/e by Ashcraft
(ISBN: 9780131982291); MyDevelopmentLab CourseCompass Student Starter Kit, 6/e by (ISBN: 9780205441297)
Child Development (Book Alone): International Edition, 7/e
Long considered the gold standard, the Seventh Edition of this best-selling topical approach to child development continues its tradition of being the most current and comprehensive text available.
Cognition: International Edition, 4/e
The psychology of human memory and cognition is fascinating, dealing with questions and ideas that are inherently interesting, such as how we think, reason, remember, and use language. This text is directed primarily toward undergraduate students at junior and senior level.
MyDevelopmentLab CourseCompass Student Starter Kit (Standalone), 6/e