This convenient selection of federal taxation statutes and regulations is designed to provide up-to-date information, through May 2020, for students and professors alike. It includes edited provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), Treasury regulations, and various materials prepared by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). A staple text in law schools, this informed volume is relied upon for its consistent format and extensive coverage. Detailed sections on the Internal Revenue title and Treasury regulations discuss income taxes, estate and gift taxes, employment taxes, miscellaneous excise taxes, procedure and administration, and the generation-skipping transfer tax. Detailed appendixes and a topical index are also included.
The new volume contains all relevant statutory changes made since May 2019, including the changes made by the Taxpayer First Act (Pub. L. No. 116-25), the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (Pub. L. No. 116-94), and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Pub. L. No 116-136). IRS regulations are updated and the inflation-adjusted items for 2020 are included (Revenue Procedure 2019-44, Notice 2019-59, and Notice 2020-05).