Written by one of the world s leading researchers and teachers inorganic chemistry, this book focuses on the living core ofchemistry, organic synthesis. A rational treatment allows aneconomical presentation of both the theory and the actualprocedures for synthetic pathways. Organic Reactions: Simplicityand Logic the student s and lecturer s ideal companion,provides:
* a superb overview of organic reactions
* a rigorous introduction to the underlying theoreticalconcepts
* insight into the logic and simplicity underpinning organicsynthesis
* biographies of, and mini-essays devoted to, great scientists whohave shaped chemistry and biochemistry
* examples of industrial organic chemistry
* an easy-to-read, well-written, highly illustrated text
* an essential learning tool for chemistry, biochemistry andpolymer science courses
Organic Reactions: Simplicity and Logic presents a lucidintroduction to organic synthesis which will appeal to students andlecturers in organic, medicinal, pharmaceutical and industrialchemistry as well as biochemistry, polymer and materials science.