Reflecting Alan Robinson's fundamental contribution to computational logic, this book brings together seminal papers in inference, equality theories, and logic programming. It is an exceptional collection that ranges from surveys of major areas to new results in more specialized topics.
Inference * Subsumption, A Sometimes Undervalued Procedure, Larry Wos, Ross Overbeek, and Ewing Lusk * The Markgraf Karl Refutation Procedure, Hans Jurgen Ohlbach and Joerg H. Siekmann * Modal Logic Should Say More than it Does, Melvin Fitting * Interactive Proof Presentation, W. W. Bledsoe * Intelligent Backtracking Revisited, Maurice Bruynooghe * A Science of Reasoning, Alan Bundy * Inductive Inference of Theories from Facts, Ehud Y. Shapiro * Equality. Solving Equations in Abstract Algebras: A Rule-based Survey of Unification, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Claude Kirchner * Disunification: A Survey, Hubert Comon * A Case Study of the Completion Procedure: Proving Ring Commutativity Problems, Deepak Kapur and Hantao Zhang * Computations in Regular Rewriting Systems I and II, Girard Huet and JeanJacques Levy * Unification and ML Type Reconstruction, Paris Kanellakis, Harry Mairson, and John Mitchell * Automatic Dimensional Analysis, Mitchell Wand * Logic Programming. Logic Programming Schemes and Their Implementations, Keith Clark * A Near-Horn Prolog for Compilation, Donald Loveland and David Reed * Unfold/Fold Transformations of Logic Programs, P. A. Gardner and J. C. Shepherdson * An Algebraic Representation of Logic Program Computations, Andrea Corradini and Ugo Montanari * Theory of Disjunctive Logic Programs, Jack Minker, Arcot Rajasekar, and Jorge Lobo * Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs, Jeffrey Naughton and Raghu Ramakrishnan * Absys, the First Logic Programming Language: A View of the Inevitability of Logic Programming, E. W. Elcock