Terror in the Night...Olivia is a health care professional and weekend prostitute addicted to cocaine. The Hardware Man...Eleven-year-old Leland accepts a ride from a local businessman. The Murder of Little Jimmy Baldwin...A child is shot in front of a theater. Years later, a local private investigator looks into the cold case. What ever happened to Jesse Armetta...A young girl disappears without a trace. The Lady Next Door...Mr. Hobbs tries to move on after his wife's sudden passing, but the strange late-night behavior of one of his neighbors becomes disturbing and mysterious. The Murder of Tommy Waterby...A young boy over hears a conversation involving a teacher and student and has but one option. He makes a decision that affects him and many others for years to come. Diary of an Inmate...This speaks for the thousands of children caught in a web of abuse. Room 310...A haunted hotel room is the center of strange deaths. A Woman Possessed...A killer roams the beaches and Gracie is a prime suspect.