This comprehensive text offers a balanced presentation with a modern approach to the court system in America.
Courts and Criminal Justice in America, 2e, is the collaboration of the most popular criminal justice authors of the century. Featuring a balanced and modern presentation, this book not only looks at the basic structure of the court system and court process, but also covers the recent trends and controversial issues facing courts today. This student-friendly text does not presuppose any knowledge about the courts or how they operate. Highlighted, controversial cases illustrate the tremendous power that the court system has to regulate citizens' lives, to shape what is acceptable and what is forbidden, and to ensure that criminal justice policy balances both rights and liberties. This respected author team delivers the most comprehensive introduction to America's courts on the market today.
Teaching and Learning Experience
The book gives a comprehensive look at the courts, their personnel and the context in which they operate. It provides:
A balanced presentation: Includes all sides of the most controversial issues facing courts today
Modern approach: Covers a wide range of topics and recent trends in the field that stir controversy and enliven discussion as they relate to the courts
Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage: Timely, extensive coverage presupposes no prior knowledge
Strong pedagogical features: Gives students the tools to master key concepts faster and more effectively