Featuring a full-color image of an ironic, suggestive, mislabeled, misspelled, lost in translation, or otherwise amusing sign each day, this calendar takes readers on a pictorial worldwide tour of bizarre and hysterical street signs and advertisements. The "Best of Signspotting 2016 Calendar" features author, world traveler, and signspotting.com founder Doug Lansky's all-time favorite signs spotted and submitted over the years. From SOFT DRINKS INSIDE TOILET, a sign seen in Bangkok and one of the very first signs posted to signspotting.com, to this sign recently sighted in San Francisco: SORRY, NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED INSIDE THE RESTAURANT, only the best and funniest signs are included. With a different, full-color "best of" sign accompanied by a witty caption each day, this calendar is sure to make both intrepid travelers and armchair dreamers laugh out loud.
Compiled by: Doug Lansky