Electrical troubleshooting is possibly the most neglected area of maintaining air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. This book will demonstrate methods for troubleshooting the full spectrum of electrical or electronic circuits of these systems.Comprehensive sections offer coverage of electrical fundamentals, single-phase electric motors, three-phase motors, control devices, electrical control circuits, use of schematic diagrams in troubleshooting, ice makers, solid state electronics, and basic electronic controls. The material will cover basic electricity in an easy to follow format. Electronics is presented so that the reader can learn the basics of solid-state theory or just study the material required for the particular job at hand. The controls are presented in a clear and concise manner so the reader can quickly learn how the control works and how it is used in the system. You'll find a wealth of useful instructions for making operational checks and troubleshooting for proper operation. The book is conveniently divided into application-specific units, making it easy to quickly find information specific to a particular job a hand.