This book is an applications-oriented
text designed for individuals who desire a hands-on approach to analyzing the
effects of fiscal and monetary policies. Significantly updated to provide an
understanding of the post-financial crisis economy, the third edition covers
the subprime crisis in detail, discussing monetary policies enacted in its
wake, such as quantitative easing, tapering, carry trades, CMOs, and monetization.
Even more globally oriented than previous editions, this volume links the Great
Recession and US Monetary Policy to global hot capital flows and currency
pegs. This edition also revisits the Eurozone in significant detail;
discussing its history, its macroeconomic design challenges, and its present
imperiled state, in the context of global macropolicy. Finally, this
volume analyzes the "China syndrome" and explores the effects of
slower trend growth in China on the rest of the world. India, with its
different—almost supply-side—approach to macropolicy is alsostudied in detail.
The third edition contains several brand-new cases and media articles that are
carefully positioned to relate explicitly to theory, and to look ahead to and
preempt global macro situations and polices in the years to come. MBA students and
Executive MBA students who appreciate the importance of monetary and fiscal
analysis will find this text to be right on target. Financial analysts and
individual investors who need to strip away economic myths and jargon and
systematically examine and understand the effects of macro policies on
variables such as inflation, output, employment and interest rates, will also
find the book extremely useful.